BRN: Canethumper in Brazil

Report 2: The CaneThumper® and team transport bus

A problem that has been faced is the logistics of getting the CaneThumper® to and from the field efficiently with the entire team and the necessary back?up. This has been a concern for numerous future uses especially with labour unions being stricter and there being no room for error.

This caused a sugarmill in Brazil, who is a client of BRN, Della Colleta, to investigate for themselves and after purchasing 2 CaneThumper® decided to design their own transport bus.

The bus was made to fit 4 units and carry all 24 workers for all units. The bus was adapted with a partition down the centre to keep the workshop with the machines totally separate from the people.

As you can notice, the bus is equipped with :

  • transport seats ( front part )
  • special ramp and place to fit park up to 4 CT units
  • toilet
  • Clean, cold water
  • Tool storage place
  • special tanks for diesel and grease
  • chairs and tables for coffee break and lunch with cover from the sun

The following pictures shows all of this and are made available by the exclusive dealer for Southern and Central America, BRN with permission from Della Colleta:

The machines parked in the back of the bus ready to go to the field.

Seats in the front for the 24 workers

The bus with cover and tables for workers lunch break and rest breaks

Pulling the ramp out and then ready for loading

Toilet with first aid for any emergencies

Ready to cut with water bottle and clearing knives attached

Report 1: New CaneThumper service fleet installed by BRN Brazil!

BRN (Brazil) has been improving their sales and also after sales structure, in order to provide a better area coverage, offering a quick and efficient reply to their potential customers.

The improved structure is composed by a larger and properly trained sales and after sales team that are always ready to serve our customers at any time. New vehicles were also purchased in order to guaranty this personalized backu

BRAZIL - Domestic Sales and After sales contacts:

Head Office (55) (19) 35 43 - 22 55


General Sales Manager

(Gerente Comercial )


phone: + 55 19 3543 2250

mobile: + 55 19 8187 5250 S

skype : michael.brn