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Mowing technology for landscape maintenance

On 1 September 2021, BUND Thüringen and the landscape conservation association "Thüringer Schiefergebirge / Obere Saale" e.V. hosted an expert exchange on mowing technology in landscape conservation. In Spindlersgrund near Titschendorf, the companies Rapid and Brielmaier presented single-axle mowers with various attachments. source: www.lpv-schiefergebirge.de

Animal-friendly mowing and mulching

Information event with machine demonstration for more bees and butterflies Source: www.wochenblatt-dlv.de

Biodiversity put to the test

High-ranking visitors to Wiesenhof in Maxsain: District Administrator, members of the state parliament, members of the Bundestag and local politicians from the CDU district parliamentary group visited the family farm to find out about ways of mowing grassland without jeopardising the biodiversity of insects and small animals. Source: www.ww-kurier.de

A return to the good old cutter bar?

Maxsain. During a visit to the Wiesenhof farm in Maxsain, which is run as an organic farm by parliamentary group colleague Annette Aller and her husband Andreas, CDU constituency representative Dr Andreas Nick MdB and the CDU district parliamentary group focussed on the gentle use of grassland for small animals. source: www.blick-aktuell.de

Bee highway in the embankment: more species protection on Bavaria's roads

Flower strips, wildlife gardens, façade greening - species protection is all the rage. The Bavarian Ministry of Transport is keeping up with the fashion: green strips along roads are now set to flourish. One problem, however, is the rubbish on the embankments. source: www.merkur.de

Specialised mowing technology for wetlands creates enthusiasm

Around 30 workshop participants travelled to Wummsee in the Ostprignitz-Ruppin district, where the Prignitz-Ruppiner Land Landscape Conservation Association had organised a technical demonstration. Specialised technology for grassland maintenance on wet sites was demonstrated Source: www.maz-online.de

This is how bees can be helped: It's not always easy in practice

NEUSTADT - Bees need food. Flower strips are therefore a popular demand. In practice, different interests clash. source:www.nordbayern.de

"We cannot afford to fail"

VIENNA: Initiative to improve the protection of bees, wasps and bumblebees Source: www.nachrichten.at

Double blade for extensive meadows

Double-blade cutter bars are often the right mowing equipment for contract nature conservation and on cultivated land. Farmers report on their practical experience. source: www.wochenblatt-dlv.de

What technology do you use to mow?

Switzerland is a grassland. This forage needs to be harvested using the right technology. Which technology has become established on your farm? Vote and join in the discussion. Mechanisation in agriculture meant that the scythe was replaced for mowing large areas. The first bar mowers for horse-drawn tractors or motorised mowers appeared in the fields. At the same time, numerous manufacturers developed rotary mowers such as disc and drum mowers. source: www.schweizerbauer.ch

9 tips for protecting meadow inhabitants during mowing

Flowering eco-meadows are particularly valuable habitats that harbour a variety of creeping and flying creatures. To give these animals the best chance of survival, it is important to proceed carefully when mowing. source: www.bauernzeitung.ch

Alpine mowing technology in the Silzenwiesen meadows in Ubstadt

Anyone walking along the main dam of the HRB Silzenwiesen in Ubstadt these days may be surprised at the 'patterns' that have been mown into the grass and weeds on the embankment. A single-axle mower with huge metal spikes on the wheels was in use there, which enabled the heavy mower to be kept safely on track even on the damp, slippery embankment. This is not an unusual piece of equipment for mountain farmers in the foothills of the Alps - on the edge of the Rhine plain, it looked pretty exotic! Source: www.wochenblatt-reporter.de

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