About the programme
With the Natural Climate Protection Action Programme (ANK), the German government has set itself the goal of significantly improving the general condition and resilience of ecosystems in Germany, thereby strengthening their climate protection performance and making a lasting contribution to climate protection.
Site-adapted and sustainable soil management guarantees the preservation of natural soil functions, promotes soil biodiversity and makes an important contribution to natural climate protection.
In cooperation with the Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Nuclear Safety and Consumer Protection (BMUV), Landwirtschaftliche Rentenbank has been offering grants for investments in particularly environmentally and climate-friendly farming methods since 22 July 2024.
What is subsidised?
This programme provides funding for investments in machinery and equipment to increase
- the carbon storage function of soils and
- biodiversity in agricultural landscapes
In particular, this includes machinery and equipment for soil-conserving cultivation and for reducing soil pressure, for mechanical weed control and for extensive grassland management. The machines and equipment eligible for funding are described in a positive list according to the categories listed in the annex, including minimum technical requirements.
Who is eligible for funding?
Agricultural businesses, agricultural contractors, recognised nature conservation organisations and commercial machinery rings are eligible to apply.