• Support programmes

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Promotion for the benefit of rare meadow breeders in the Rhön

The diversity of the bird world of snipe, whinchat and co. is to be preserved and promoted along the Green Belt and in the Grabfeld region. source: www.infranken.de

Glauber: New funding opportunities for orchard trees - application for contract nature conservation programme now possible

Farmers can now once again apply for funding under the Bavarian Contractual Nature Conservation Programme (VNP). New funding opportunities for orchard trees have been added. Bavaria's Environment Minister Thorsten Glauber emphasised today in Munich: "Around 25,000 farms are already our partners in the contractual nature conservation programme. The high level of participation of Bavarian farmers in the contractual nature conservation programme is a great benefit for nature and the environment. Source: www.bayern.de

More money for South Tyrol's agriculture

Despite reduced EU funding, South Tyrolean farmers receive more money; according to EU parliamentarian Dorfmann, cuts are being made for large farms Source: www.rainews.it

EU agricultural reform: No disadvantages for South Tyrolean farmers

Three years of negotiations, now the EU agricultural reform has been finalised. Where will the total of 270 billion euros go by 2027? How much of the cake will South Tyrolean farmers get? Source: www.rainews.it

Eco-schemes: This is how much money there is per hectare

30 euros for a diverse crop rotation, 100 euros for not using chemical crop protection - these are the planned subsidy rates for the new organic regulations as part of the EU agricultural reform. Source: www.agrarheute.com

Minister Kaniber: "We support the doers of biodiversity" - Wildlife habitat counselling expanded

(06 October 2021) Geiselhöring, Straubing district - Promoting biodiversity in the fields and meadows of Bavaria has been an important goal of agricultural policy, and not just since the "Save the bees" referendum. Wildlife habitat advice has been a valuable tool for this since 2015. While there was initially only one contact person in each administrative district who advised farmers, winegrowers and gardeners on how to preserve valuable habitats for wild animals and plants, the advisory service has been significantly expanded this year. source: www.stmelf.bayern.de

Ten million euros for innovative research projects - Kaniber: "We are focussing on know-how instead of bans"

(19 September 2021) Munich - Practice-oriented research projects are the key to success in making agriculture and forestry fit for the future. As Agriculture Minister Michaela Kaniber announced in Munich, a total of 28 research projects were selected in this year's application process, which will begin in the coming months. Source: www.stmelf.bayern.de

South Tyrolean farmers receive significantly more subsidy money

Agriculture is still under pressure, but farmers' association chairman Leo Tiefenthaler has good news: The subsidies will increase significantly Source: www.rainews.it

Cultural landscape programme: Wide range of funding again next year - with changes

Munich (agrar-PR) - The proven and successful Bavarian Cultural Landscape Programme (KULAP) will continue to provide a wide range of support for Bavarian farmers in the coming year. Source: www.agrar-presseportal.de

Future Commission for Agriculture has come to an end

The Commission for the Future of Agriculture (ZKL) came to an end last Tuesday. A joint press release from the participating associations* (30 members in total, including individuals) states: 'All participants in the ZKL have demonstrated their willingness to engage in dialogue and compromise. After nine months and numerous working group and plenary meetings, all sides have come closer to each other and also jumped over their shadows several times. Source: www.dlg.org

Two horsepower for nature conservation

Specialised equipment for horses is rare. All the more eye-catching is a mower that has recently been used in Fernwald primarily for the maintenance of orchards and nature reserves. source: www.giessener-allgemeine.de

Farmers' Association welcomes planning security through CAP agreement

Vienna (OTS) - "The aim of establishing our eco-social agricultural policy as a showcase model in Europe has been achieved with this CAP reform. The resource-conserving utilisation with a focus on environmental protection and animal welfare that we have been practising for years is now being extended to other countries through the new European agricultural policy. We have been pioneers for years, the other EU Member States must follow suit. Source: www.boerse-express.com

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